Before and After
“I’ve never been one to consider surgeries, or any cosmetic alterations, but I was considering a hair transplant for years. I’ve tried Rogaine, but it left me shedding and losing more hair than usual. Then there were always obstacles and excuses of costs, and researching a good doctor. A coworker’s successful FUE result with Dr.Mulholland prompted me to go through the procedure last year. On the day of surgery, I had an informative consultation with his technicians as Dr.Mulholland is only present during the actual procedure. Worried I would be given strong anesthetics I reached out to my coworker, who had the procedure done, if he had any tips prior to the surgery. He told me I had nothing to be concerned about as I would be given local anesthesia. I was fully awake and aware of what was going on, and the procedure was nearly painless, either than the pricks of anesthesia – which was tolerable. My FUE surgery left no scarring, and the results are stunning. There were a few points in the last hair transplant review stating false info, which lead me to think it might have been one of the company’s competitors? I felt compelled to write about my experience at SpaMedica as I am a fan of the company, staff, and the doctor’s good work. I’m still amazed to this day how visible and successful the outcome has turned out.”