Asked Questions

You most likely have questions about the FUE procedure.  Please find below a list of the most common questions patients have asked us.  If you have questions about something that you don’t see on this list, we are always happy to speak to you over the phone or email.

  • What is NeoGraft?

    NeoGraft is a new device which facilitates the harvesting of follicles during an “FUE”-type hair transplant, dramatically improving the accuracy and speed over previously-used manual extraction instruments.

  • What is an “FUE” hair transplant?

    “F.U.E.” or “Follicular-Unit Extraction” is an advanced, minimally-invasive hair transplant method which allows for the harvesting of individual follicles from the donor area without a scalpel or stitches, and therefore leaves no linear scar.

  • What are the main benefits of FUE over linear harvesting?

    It is well-accepted that FUE transplants can heal faster and more comfortably than linear-harvest techniques using a scalpel and requiring stitches.  With FUE, once healing is complete, the patient has the option of wearing a very short haircut without the worry of a tell-tale linear scar.  Without the need for stitches, downtime is shorter with fewer activity restrictions post-operatively.

  • What are some benefits of NeoGraft over manual FUE techniques?

    The highly ergonomic mechanical NeoGraft device works as a natural extension of the surgeons’ hand, allowing for faster and more accurate harvesting of hair follicles.  NeoGraft patients now reach their goal with less time in the procedure room or fewer FUE procedures altogether.

  • Who is a good candidate for FUE?

    Patients who would like the option of wearing a very short haircut in the back or sides of their scalp, or those who want the least amount of activity restriction (e.g. athletes) after their hair transplant procedure, may be good candidates for FUE.  FUE can also be used for ‘scar camouflage’ procedures for patients who have had prior linear harvests, as well as for body hair transplants.

  • What are the major cost differences between FUE and linear-harvest hair transplant procedures?

    The fee structure for FUE hair transplant procedures reflect the more detailed and intricate nature of those procedures compared to those performed with a linear harvest.

  • Are the final transplanted ‘results’ any different with FUE than those achieved with linear harvesting?

    Results are similar.  FUE procedures, by default, yield grafts that contain mainly one, two, three, or four follicles called “follicular units.”  Linear harvests, which are then microscopically dissected by a team into grafts of one, two or three follicles, would also yield similar ‘follicular-unit’ grafts.  Provided that in each case the grafts are implanted with care, artistry and precision into the recipient area, the final transplanted results with FUE would be similar, if not identical, to those accomplished with a linear harvest. The difference is not in the area of hair growth, but how the donor area is harvested either by a strip of scalp or by small individual graft extractions.

  • Is FUE suitable for both men and women?

    Yes. Because FUE is a minimally-invasive procedure, it is a viable option for both men and women looking to restore their own living and growing hair with transplantation.

  • Do I have to get a total 'buzz cut' to have an FUE/NeoGraft procedure?

    No, but it helps. If your donor hair is long enough, harvesting using the FUE/NeoGraft can be done by shaving small areas which can be covered by your other, existing hair.  For maximum yield however, a buzz  cut is recommended in the donor area.

  • Am I a good candidate for a procedure using FUE?

    The best way to determine whether you are a candidate for hair transplant using FUE is a one-on-one consultation with your doctor.